When I delete out all the files and move the latest update into those folders, load up the game, any saves from the previous version still show up. I have a folder simply called 'GAMES' on the desktop, any and all games I get from F95 go into that, of course each game has its own folder (example) SummerTime Saga, LongLiveThePrincess, and so on.
Lists the save games.Maybe not the thread to ask, but where are the saves from Ren Py games getting stored at in a Windows 10 system?
(Does nothing if old does not exist.) renpy.list_saved_games (regexp=u'.', fast=False) link. Returns true if filename exists as a save slot, and False otherwise. renpy.can_load (filename, test=False) link.
In addition, there are the following low-level save and load actions. Make a copy of it for safety, put that copy somewhere accessible, and open up that copy's "game" folder. When you look inside of it, you should see folders like "game", "lib" and "renpy". Find the installation folder for your game. The instructions will be basically identical for all Ren'Py games. If that still doesn't fix everything, check to see if there is a "saves" folder in the game's install directory that needs to be moved as well, but I think the AppData stuff should be the only thing needed. Just don't change anything else in AppData that you don't need to, and copy the data instead of moving it until you're sure you can access the saves. The "label start:" tells Ren'Py where to begin at. We're going to initially set this value to 0. The $ (cash sign) means that we're using a python statement outside on an "init python:" block. Open a Finder window and from the menubar, go Go>Go to Folder and type the above. You can type %AppData% into the Start menu search and press Enter or the address bar in Explorer. Copy that to %AppData% on the new machine. You can search a variable or value in the search box on the right side. G:\Harem_Hotel-v0.11.2-pc\game\saves Now you can see a list of variables. Click on the “Load Ren’Py Save†button on the top right. Well generally save game editor can change a set amount of stuff in the game. Save Editor: RPGMaker rvdata2 rpgsave rxdata Renpy UnrealEngine Wolf. 64bdbb59a4 32 Depending on which game you play, you may need to edit files that are saved in various formats.
Instead, just use sqlite to make a new database in config.savedir to save your project-specific stuff. You really shouIdnt need to usé the RenPy savé files directly tó do this projéct. The full one should be config.savedir config.gamedir userdata, in python early block of the options.rpy file, that is.). — Save Editor: RPGMaker rvdata2 rpgsave rxdata Renpy UnrealEngine Wolf Unity save dat sav rsv qsp other files.
Download the Editor using the download button above Â.